Hybrid Lending

Pac Finance not only support peer-to-pool lending as observed in AAVE V3, but we also take a step further by facilitating peer-to-peer lending. This dual approach significantly enhances capital efficiency by optimizing the utilization of assets within our ecosystem.

Our peer-to-pool lending model mirrors the sophisticated framework seen in AAVE V3, offering users a reliable and well-established mechanism for engaging with a broader pool of participants. This model is particularly effective in ensuring liquidity and stability within the lending market.

In addition to this, our peer-to-peer lending system introduces a more customized borrowing and lending experience. It allows users to directly engage with each other, setting their own terms for lending and borrowing. This bespoke approach caters to those seeking tailored financial solutions that might not be readily available in traditional peer-to-pool systems.

Moreover, Pac Finance is committed to supporting a wider array of assets, expanding the possibilities for both borrowers and lenders. This inclusion of diverse assets not only broadens investment opportunities but also introduces more options for collateralization, catering to the varied needs of our users.

Through these initiatives, Pac Finance is dedicated to improving the lending landscape by offering more efficient capital utilization, customized lending options, and a diverse asset portfolio, thereby enhancing the overall user experience in the DeFi space.

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